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the army!

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What we do:

Your support is helping to awaken the body of Christ through equipping young prophets to rescue GENz, calling Esthers to arise, commissioning 1000s through RIG University, training in church planting, anointing marketplace business men & women, training for deliverance, healing, and prophecy.  Your support is helping to build a strong Houston church and supporting ministries growing in the supernatural.

Your donation paves the way for


Your donations help RIG put on crusades in nations that don’t necessarily have the means to fund an awakening. In the year of 2022 there were 4 crusades in Warri, Benin, Nairobi, and Pankshin.


We believe in equipping the body of Christ and creating an atmosphere where people can come and stir up their fire from our Headquarters in Houston, Texas.

Global Headquarters

The army is occupying! We are purchasing a multiple building property in Houston, Texas which will now house the RIG Global Headquarters.

The Lord is waking up an army of believers who know His voice and move in power. We want to see you FULLY equipped to do all that God has called you to.

3 Things God will establish in America through this movement:

Real world tools for change, real world impact.

1 | Prophetic Evangelists

Prophetic evangelists will be graced to win souls in mass.

2 | Occupying Army

The Remnant army will occupy their cities and they will be known as "Cities of Peace."

3 | The Glory of the Lord

The manifest glory of the Lord will increase and with it the fear of the Lord and repentance will lead to mighty deliverances.

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