RIG Nation was founded in 2007 by Tomi Arayomi with the vision to restore the apostolic and prophetic ministry back into the Body of Christ and to equip this generation to be in a position and condition for use by God.

RIG Nation's School of Apostles and Prophets (SOAP) also began in 2007 with a mission to restore Isachaar's generation by 'training people to be prophets and prophets to be people.' We carry the apostolic and prophetic mandate to discern the heart of God and His interests in the nations and to build according to His kingdom agenda.

Today, more than a decade later, the curriculum has advanced and the vision has expanded to raise a prophetic tribe throughout the world. SOAP is a three year program: students begin in Masterclass and graduate to Train the Trainer in year two and then to Mentor the Trainer in year three.

What others are saying

One of the best things that has ever happened to me without a doubt. If you truly want to serve in the LORD’s vineyard, especially in the prophetic office, then undergoing RIG Masterclass is a must I must say. My life and ministry seriously turned 180 degrees from the very first class. Get RIGGED!


Because I took this class I decided to create a group that lasted 8 months and in it we were able to become stronger prophets by being led by the Holy Spirit through different activations. In that time I was spiritually promoted to operate at a new level and was given a mantle. Not only am I a strong prophet now but I’m an apostle as well. The Lord told me this school would train my senses and it has literally changed my life. Thanks RIG!


I'm so honoured to have had the opportunity to learn at the feet of Jesus on the platform of RIG NATION! In my observation, even deep in grief after my husband passed away, my 'senses ' were still activated effortlessly. Every time I stepped out to prophesy, my friend described me as coming alive! I give God all the glory honour and thanks for choosing to use a weak vessel like me to channel His heart to people. God bless RIGNATION forever!


Masterclass really gave me the tools and the experience I need to walk boldly in the prophetic. God used this Masterclass to propel me into a prophetic lifestyle. The prophetic is not a tool it's a way of living and in this Masterclass, my eyes have opened to that drastically. Joining this school was one of the best decisions I've made. It was worth every penny. God really did bless me, so I Thank God for you all.


Frequently asked questions

How do I partner with RIG USA?

Thank you for your interest in partnering with us! Please tap here. (link to the partner page)

Does RIG USA have a church?

Yes, we have an online church based in Houston. RIG Global Church meets Saturdays at 5pm in person at 10800 Scott Street Houston, TX, weekly streamed live on YouTube.

Is there a RIG near me?

Click here to find a RIG Expression group meeting near you. (insert link to the expression page/map)

Are RIG USA, RIG Nation, and Tomi Arayomi the same thing?

Yes. RIG USA is the USA extension for which Tomi Arayomi is the apostle.

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